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Events focusing on business

Entirely in keeping with the spirit of RINGANA – Next Level, it’s now time for something new in our Events world. We are delighted to present you with the next level of RINGANA Events: RINGANA Next.

RINGANA Next is devised as an event that combines the advantages of online and offline events. The idea is a live event that is broadcast to the RINGANA focus markets in each respective language via a live stream. If you want to watch the free live stream, all you have to do is register in advance. Because of Covid-19 rules, for the time being, we have to make do with online events – but we’re making them even cooler and more innovative for you. And one thing we’re sure about: the day when we meet again in person at an event is definitely coming.


You can look forward to compelling and fascinating talks by in-house experts, external speakers and experienced Fresh Partners. The one-day event focuses firmly on the business. You will be guided through the programme by our personable Country Managers.

And what’s particularly brilliant about offline events?
Exactly! Participants have the chance to talk, and get to know each other. And we hope that we’ll have that opportunity again very soon.

When we do, the Welcome Coffee, the Lunch and the After-Work Coffee are the ideal times for dialogue. Alongside interesting presentations and plenty of time for networking, there’s a further special in store: all on-site participants will get a free goodie bag.

We can hardly wait for the first RINGANA Next
and we hope you feel exactly the same.

Until we see each other again offline, we wish you Happy Streaming!

See all details of dates and registration at

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