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New FRESH date e-invitation

We recently introduced you to our ONLINE FRESH date concept. It comprises important online tools for use in the area of customer acquisition and customer care, prepared professionally and in RINGANA design. To complement this package, we have created dedicated FRESH date e-invitations for you that are ideal for inviting people to ONLINE FRESH dates. Naturally, you can also use these invitations in future for offline FRESH dates. Just like the Social Media templates contained in the ONLINE FRESH date package, the new FRESH date e-invitations are also broken down into our four product categories (FRESH, SUPPLEMENTS, COMPLETE, SPORT). Choose the respective FRESH date e-invitation to match the planned content of your ONLINE FRESH date. Now complete the invitation – don’t forget to specify “online” as the place – and add the link to your ONLINE FRESH date. You can send the completed FRESH date e-invitation by e-mail.

The new FRESH date e-invitations are now contained in the ONLINE FRESH date package. All details about the ONLINE FRESH date are available here.

Download the updated ONLINE FRESH date package inclusive of the new FRESH date e-invitations here. 

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